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Cuyahoga County Car Crashes Decline, But More Work Needs to Be Done

Cleveland auto accident attorney

Pedestrian accidents, speeding, and drunk driving remain serious problems.

Car accidents in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, declined last year. However, according to a recent traffic safety study based on the latest car crash data, more work still needs to be done to reduce car accident injuries and fatalities in Cuyahoga County, Cleveland, and statewide.

"The sharp decline shows progress, but it's still far from meeting the goal of the local 'Vision Zero' task force, which wants to eliminate all traffic fatalities by 2032," according to a recent Axios Cleveland article about the latest Cuyahoga County car accident data.

Any effort to reduce the number of car accidents in Cuyahoga County and across the state is welcome news. Unfortunately, the Cleveland car accident lawyers at Merriman Legal, LLC know all too well just how serious and devastating some motor vehicle crashes can be for those involved.

Fewer Cuyahoga County car accidents in 2022

In 2022, the number of car accidents in Cuyahoga County (including Cleveland) declined by nearly 1,400 compared to the year before, according to car accident statistics compiled by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

Specifically, there were 29,000 collisions last year in Cuyahoga County, resulting in 86 car accident fatalities countywide, including 45 motor vehicle accident deaths in Cleveland in 2022. The 86 car accident deaths represent a 33.8 percent decrease in motor vehicle deaths in 2022 compared to 2021, according to Axios Cleveland based on Ohio Department of Public Safety (ODPS) data.

More work still needs to be done.

While last year's decrease in the number of car accidents and injuries in Cuyahoga County is a step in the right direction, more work still needs to be done to reduce the number of accidents, injuries, and fatalities, according to Axios Cleveland, which cited Cleveland's Vision Zero task force plan to eliminate all car accident fatalities by 2032, according to

"The Action Plan includes strategies to completely eliminate serious injuries and fatalities on our roadways through a clear workplan with prioritized actions that will create a 'new normal' for transportation in Cleveland," according to the Cleveland Vision Zero website.

What car accidents are common in Cuyahoga County?

Certain types of car crashes remain common in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. In particular, nearly 1 out of 4 car accident fatalities last year – 21 deaths – involved fatal pedestrian accidents, according to Axios Cleveland. That figure is the highest pedestrian accident death toll in Cuyahoga County in the last seven years, according to NHTSA accident data.

In addition, car accident fatalities caused by speeding drivers and drunk drivers remain a serious problem in Cuyahoga County. In 2020, the county set records for both types of motor vehicle fatalities – 53 deaths due to drunk drivers and 44 deaths due to speeding.

How can a car accident attorney help?

Car accident claims and lawsuits in Cuyahoga County can have high stakes for victims, depending on the severity of their injuries and the impact on their lives. The compensation they may receive can range from thousands of dollars to significantly more, depending on factors such as the length of their recovery, their ability to return to work, and the extent of their physical and emotional suffering.

This is why it's critical that you have an experienced law firm on your side, demanding the money you rightfully deserve. Merriman Legal in Cleveland can help every step of the way. Nationally-renowned attorney Tom Merriman and his talented legal team have years of experience handling complex cases. As a result, we won't waste a second getting right to work on your case.

Learn more about your legal rights. Contact our law firm and schedule a free case evaluation with a Cleveland car accident attorney you can count on in a crisis. We're conveniently located on West 9th Street in Cleveland and handle injury claims throughout Ohio.

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